Windstein Windstein is located directly at the brook Schwarzbach and has approximately 100 inhabitants.
Landmarks of Windstein are the two ruins of the castle du Windstein standing in a distance of 500 m to each other. In 1676 they were destroyed by Nonclar, a general of Ludwig XIV. Only the ruins of the old castle Windstein which was build at the end of the 1. Century on top of a 350 m high sandstone rock are remaining.
In about 15 minutes of walk you find the new castle Windstein which originates of the year 1340. "New -Windstein" is a small, but architecturally content-full fortress with beautiful tower and gothic-style windows, doors and oriels.
Windstein has excellent tracks for hikers and the sandstone rock offers a lot of possibilities for climbers.
Niederbronn 8 km
The charming spa town attracs visitors to a health resort and sportily interested persons due to its thermal baths and healthy air. An extensive entertainment program is offered by the city administration including parades, exhibitions, city celebrations and sport events. You may relax in roman-style thermal baths. The Casino of the city offers a wide range of nightlife no matter if you are gambling or just watching and enjoying the atmosphere.
Seebach / Hunspach 34 km
Seebach and Hunspach are two of the most beautiful villages to find flowers and half-timbering houses in the northern Alsace. Once a year one of the most beautiful events named "Streisselhochzeit" is celebrated in Seebach. To find out what is behind this wedding plan your visit for july 20th and 21st. Everybody is welcome. Information: Tourist office Wissembourg - Tel : 0033 3 88 94 10 11
Betschdorf 26 km
Betschdorf, home of the potteries, is located about 15 km north of Hagenau. For over 250 years the potters of Betschdorf pass on the tradition of the salt-glazed stoneware from one generation to the next. Every year Betschdorf is selling thousands of its pottery like jugs, vases, beermugs worldwide. Beside this Betschdorf offers many traditionel sights: the stone mill from the 17th century, the park of storks, the city hall in the center of the village, the church from the 15th century with ist unique fresco as well as the museum of pottery whith numerous exhibits of old and contemporary ceramics.
Soufflenheim 36 km
Beside Betschdorf, Soufflenheim is the second well-known village for potteries, which are considered as typically alsatian. Forms for Guglhupf, pans for Baeckoffe or stoneware jugs for wine or cidre, many of the goods offered in Alsace were manufactured in Soufflenheim. In the end of the bronze age the first potters already settled in Soufflenheim. The findings are issued in the historical museum of Haguenau. It is even proven that the local potters had already worked with turntables 400 years before Christ . The art of handicraft was refined and perfected over the centuries. In 1837 not less than 55 potteries resided in Soufflenheim and employed about 600 persons. |
Fleckenstein 15 km
In 1174 Fleckenstein Castle is mentioned for the first time, but experts assume that it predates this. It has a strategically favourable location at the top of a steep cliff. The Fleckenstein family reigned at the castle, which was for a long time considered impregnable, until the 16 th century. In the second half of the 16 th century the defence of the castle was abandoned, hence the French Marshall Vauban needed no effort for its conquest in 1674. In 1680 the French occupying troops destroyed the castle which was not reconstructed. Fleckenstein Castle can be visited (with entrance fee). The well-preserved ruins are open from the middle of March until the end of September.
Strasbourg 58 km
Strasbourg is the capital and principal city of the Alsace région, with approximately 450,000 inhabitants in the metropolitan area.
The city is chiefly known for its sandstone gothic cathedral, and for its medieval cityscape of Rhineland black and white timber-framed buildings, particularly in the Petite-France district alongside the river Ill. Strasbourg's historic center has been classified a World Heritage site by the UNESCO in 1988, for the first time for a whole city center. Besides the cathedral, Strasbourg houses several other medieval churches that have survived the many wars and destructions that have plagued the city.
Strasbourg is the seat of the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights and it hosts a seat of the European Parliament, together with Brussels. |
Naturpark Nordvogesen 0-60 km The northern Vosges begin at the Saverne gap northwest of Strasbourg and run up to the German border, where they continue as the Pfälzerwald. They don't reach the same heights as the southern Vosges, nor do they boast particularly photogenic villages or famous vineyards but, as a result, they're spared the mass tourism of the southern range. Much of the region comes under the auspices of the Parc Régional des Vosges du Nord, and there are numerous Hiking possibilities, as well as a couple of attractive towns – Saverne and Wissembourg – built in the characteristic red sandstone of the area.
Citadel of Bitche 26 km Since the mid-18th century, the Bitche Citadel has been regarded as one of the most powerful fortresses in France. Rebuilt by Cormontaigne on the foundations of a former fortification built by Vauban, Louis XIV's famous architect, it has never been taken by force of arms. The Museum, installed in the chapel and in the former baker's shop, delves into the history of both the Citadel and the Bitche area, from the origins till 1870. The displays include prehistoric tools, pottery, coins, boundary stones decorated with the landowners' coats of arms, swords and knives, firearms, breast-plates, a wealth of illustrations, models… |